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Edge AI


Technology Edge AI
Year 2021
Customer Deaf Community
A patent pending wearable device for the deaf community. Haptear is based on Deep Learning algorithms and translates auditive inputs into haptic and visual notifications. 
Project Inspiration

Project Inspiration

Connection and human relationships are the reason we are here; it is what gives meaning to our lives. When establishing connection is challenged by a sensory disability, such as deafness, technology can come to the rescue as a mediator, or rather as a translator of sensory information. An artificial intelligence, if properly trained, can recognize an auditory input, not perceived by a deaf person, and translate it into a tactile one. The information will still reach the recipient and be used by him to generate a reaction: same result, with the same initial information, but perceived by two distinct senses. Sensory translator.


Increase the inclusion of deaf people and make their participation in society more active


Facilitate everyday life, reinforcing their awareness of the surrounding environment and their safety


Start a conversation with institutions about new educational solutions for deaf people

Haptear is a "sensory translator" based on an Artificial Intelligence algorithm and designed for the deaf and hard-of-hearing community: a wearable device, which translates auditory information into tactile and visual information, differentiating notifications according to the recorded sound input.

The proposed solution is a wearable, take-anywhere and customizable device that enables: (a) recognition of sounds, voices, and danger signals; (b) the distinction of the caller in case the command is voice; (c) communication through differentiated notifications to the user of the perceived sound and direction of origin.

Haptear won the 2021 edition of Lazioinnova's Boost Your Ideas competition.